最新消息07 13, 2023
歐洲葡萄酒傳承者計畫EUWINA北京場大師班取得了令人難以置信的成功,有近70名與會者參加,現場座無空席。 當天的講師是經驗豐富的葡萄酒教育家趙凡先生。
最新消息07 07, 2023
最新消息06 26, 2023
歐洲葡萄酒傳承者計畫EUWINA致力於推廣歐洲優質葡萄酒,在去年一系列活動取得成功之後,我們的活動又回到了亞洲。 本次推廣活動源自歐洲,於2022年10月啟動,由三個代表西班牙、義大利和希臘的組織共同組成:西班牙拉曼恰法定產區、義大利威尼托葡萄酒產區聯合會和希臘國家葡萄 和葡萄酒跨專業組織,目標是中國、新加坡、韓國和中國台灣的市場。
最新消息12 30, 2022
The European Wine Ambassador campaign has organized education programs and masterclasses for importers, distributors, and Ho.Re.Ca., sommeliers and press to educate and inform them about the quality-producing methodologies of the European Union along with the EU quality certifications regarding PDOs and PGIs.
最新消息12 24, 2022
The Campaign started in Seoul with three Masterclasses hosted by Ms. Suzie Chung, a WSET Program wine educator. A total of 6 D.O. La Mancha wines, 5 wines from Wines of Greece (EDOAO,) and 5 from Unione Consorzi Vini Veneti were presented by Sommelier Kim Min Joo and tasted by 52 representatives from the trade and press. The event was supported by Mr. Konstantinos Daskalopoulos - Counsellor for Economic & Commercial Affairs of the Embassy of Greece in Seoul – who welcomed the participants and by Mr. Ferdinando Gueli - Director – ICE Seoul who gave the closing speech.
最新消息11 04, 2022
Ms. Annette Scarfe Master of Wine hosted the EUWINA Masterclass at The Raffles Hotel in Singapore. Six D.O. La Mancha wines, five wines from Wines of Greece (EDOAO), and five from Unione Consorzi Vini Veneti were presented by Ms. Scarfe and tasted by key professionals from the trade and press. Mr. Emmanuel Markianos, Counsellor for Economic & Trade Affairs of the Embassy of Greece in Singapore and Ms. Maria Triantafyllou, and Ms. Klairy Efkarpidou, Wines of Greece representatives also attended the event in person.