European Wine Ambassadors
  • 뉴스
    07 05, 2023

    유럽 와인 홍보대사 아시아 세미나 프로그램 서울이 7월 5일 명문 그랜드 하얏트 서울에서 열렸습니다. 프로그램은 유럽 와인 홍보대사 캠페인에 대한 프레젠테이션으로 시작된 후 3회의 세미나로 이어졌습니다. 56명의 와인 전문가로 구성된 선별된 그룹이 세미나에 참석했습니다.

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  • 뉴스
    06 26, 2023

    유럽 최고의 와인을 홍보하는 유럽 와인 대사(EUWINA) 캠페인이 지난해 성공적인 일련의 행사를 마치고 다시 아시아로 돌아왔습니다. 유럽의 자금 지원을 받고 2022년 10월에 시작된 이 캠페인은 스페인, 이탈리아, 그리스를 대표하는 세 조직인 Interprofessional Wine Council D.O.가 주도합니다. La Mancha, Unione Consorzi Vini Veneti – U.VI.VE. 및 그리스 국립 포도나무 및 와인 전문간 조직은 중국, 싱가포르, 한국 및 대만 시장을 대상으로 합니다.

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  • 뉴스
    12 30, 2022

    The European Wine Ambassador campaign has organized education programs and masterclasses for importers, distributors, and Ho.Re.Ca., sommeliers and press to educate and inform them about the quality-producing methodologies of the European Union along with the EU quality certifications regarding PDOs and PGIs.

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  • 뉴스
    12 24, 2022

    The Campaign started in Seoul with three Masterclasses hosted by Ms. Suzie Chung, a WSET Program wine educator. A total of 6 D.O. La Mancha wines, 5 wines from Wines of Greece (EDOAO,) and 5 from Unione Consorzi Vini Veneti were presented by Sommelier Kim Min Joo and tasted by 52 representatives from the trade and press. The event was supported by Mr. Konstantinos Daskalopoulos - Counsellor for Economic & Commercial Affairs of the Embassy of Greece in Seoul – who welcomed the participants and by Mr. Ferdinando Gueli - Director – ICE Seoul who gave the closing speech.

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  • 뉴스
    11 04, 2022

    Ms. Annette Scarfe Master of Wine hosted the EUWINA Masterclass at The Raffles Hotel in Singapore. Six D.O. La Mancha wines, five wines from Wines of Greece (EDOAO), and five from Unione Consorzi Vini Veneti were presented by Ms. Scarfe and tasted by key professionals from the trade and press. Mr. Emmanuel Markianos, Counsellor for Economic & Trade Affairs of the Embassy of Greece in Singapore and Ms. Maria Triantafyllou, and Ms. Klairy Efkarpidou, Wines of Greece representatives also attended the event in person.

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  • 뉴스
    11 01, 2022

    Ms. Vivien K.M. Chen, Wine Educator and International Wine Judge & Mr. Aaron Tsai Hsun Chuang, Chief Editor for the Wine media website www.taiwine.tw, hosted the Taipei EUWINA Masterclass. A total of six D.O. La Mancha wines, five wines from Wines of Greece (EDOAO,) and five from Unione Consorzi Vini Veneti were presented by Ms. Chen and Mr. Chuang and tasted by over 50 representatives from the trade and press. The event was presented and welcomed by the Italian Trade Commission ICE Director, Mr. Enrico Condemi.

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