뉴스10 27, 2023
EUWINA는 10월 27일 그랜드 하얏트 서울에서 새로운 세미나를 개최했습니다. 최신 마스터클래스에 50명의 참가자가 참여하는 등 놀라운 참여율이 있었습니다.
뉴스10 05, 2023
9월에는 무역 언론사 대표단이 DO La Mancha와 그리스를 방문하여 해당 지역에서 생산되는 특성, PDO/PGI 및 주요 포도를 직접 배웠습니다.
뉴스07 25, 2023
The Masterclass in Shanghai was the last stop for our Euwina Summer programme and what a successful roadshow, we had a record-breaking attendance of 83 participants who were eager to learn about the world of European wine.
뉴스07 21, 2023
After the great success of Guangzhou seminars, EUWINA seminars roadshow in China visited Shenzhen and the reception was even better with the largest number of participants yet, 82 attendees.
뉴스07 19, 2023
The second masterclass series in China took place in Guangzhou and had an overwhelming demand, with 74 attendees filling the room to capacity.
뉴스07 13, 2023
The first EUWINA Masterclass in China was an incredible success, held in Beijing with nearly 70 attendees filling the room to capacity. The lecturer for the evening was the experience wine educator , Mr. Frankie Zhao.